![]() Sometimes life feels so lousy you forget the miracles God provides all around you. In these moments, it’s good to step back and reset your focus. Focusing on negativity results in feeling negativity. To feel positivity, focus on positivity. And that’s where miracles come in. To me, a miracle is an occurrence that fills me with goodness and turns my heart in gratitude to God. Expected or not, large or small, it will always fill me with goodness that turns my heart to God in gratitude. God is great ![]() In Spanish, there’s a saying: Dios es grande, or God is great. Great can mean good or highly favorable. But it could also mean large or expansive. So the saying really communicates two ideas simultaneously. God is both very good and very expansive. And if God is good and expansive, so is everything He does. That’s why miracles abound around everyone. God is so good and expansive that He provides as many blessings as we’re able to receive. And there are yet more blessings surrounding us every single day. Truly, Dios es grande. The law of the harvest ![]() I know what some of you are thinking and feeling because I was there once myself. Hearing about how God is so good can fall on deaf ears when the eyes between those ears focus on what’s lacking in life. If that describes you, do you want to feel better about your life? Because you’ll never have the life you really want unless you start thinking the way that will help you have it. That’s just natural law — the Law of the Harvest. You reap what you sow. Check out what the Lord has to say about that.
If you want a miracle, you need to obey the law connected with that miracle. And that starts by seeing the miracles already around you. Receiving means seeing ![]() If you can’t see the miracles already around you, you simply won’t see God’s hand providing you the miracle you want. There’s a simple reason for that. Many times we think we want something and even feel it with all the passion a soul can muster. Yet the Lord, whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts, knows us better than we know ourselves. And He provides accordingly. Many of us singles pine for the relationship we don’t have, yet the relationship we really want most is always available. That relationship is the one we have with God. And that relationship is the one that can help us to obtain and maximize any other relationship we could ever have in life. Oh, and here’s the kicker: Part of improving your relationship with God is learning to see His handiwork. What kind of relationship can you have with someone whose work you don’t even recognize, especially when that work surrounds you all the time? That’s why receiving the miracles you want starts by seeing the miracles already around you. ![]() And miracles do indeed surround you. Ever watch a sunrise? Ever held a newborn? Ever felt a cool breeze on a sunny day? Ever smelled the freshness of the air after the rain? It doesn’t stop there. Ever paid tithing during a hard time and been blessed with ends somehow meeting? Ever been protected in the very moment you needed it? Ever sat in a church meeting and felt like the speaker — a stranger — talked directly to you, telling you precisely what you needed to hear? We’ve all had experiences in which God demonstrated His love and concern for us individually. And the world of nature surrounding us overflows with reminders of that love. We just need eyes to see what’s right there around us. Make space for miracles ![]() Only after we begin to see the miracles surrounding us and turn our hearts in gratitude to that God Who provides them daily can we receive the miracles we want. That’s because lack of gratitude is like a filter preventing what we want to receive from coming to us. Gratitude removes that filter by focusing our vision on what God has already given us. That’s the channel we need to open wider in order to receive more. As the hymn gently teaches, “Count your many blessings. See what God has done.” When you see how overflowing with blessings your life already is, you’ll not only see how great God is but also make the space for receiving more. And with that greater abundance from God’s hands, you can then be His hands to help others receive greater abundance in their lives. And that’s one of the greatest miracles of all. What miracles surround you? Because it is true — miracles abound around all of us.
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Howdy! I'm Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio. I've been blogging about LDS singles life since 2012, and since 2018 I've been producing a weekly Internet radio show and podcast to help LDS singles have more joy in their journey and bring all Latter-day Saints together. Let's engage a conversation that will increase the faith of LDS singles and bring singles and marrieds together in a true unity of the faith.
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December 2022