Whether or not that’s true, Elder Holland hit another home run. In his address entitled “The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude,” Elder Holland emphasized the meaning behind General Conference and all its associated activity. He sums it up very well in the end:
I couldn’t agree more. That small formula describes how we LDS singles can experience greater joy in our journey — by striving to place Christ at the center of our lives, our faith, and our service. Center your life on HimElder Holland begins by recounting the story of a blind man begging on the side of the road to Jericho who becomes frantic when he learns that the Savior is passing by. Though some in the crowd try to calm him, he will not be calmed. He insists on nearing himself to the Lord. When he finally has audience with the Savior, he beseeches Christ to heal him of his blindness. Christ does so, rewarding the man for his faith. Elder Holland admits admiration for this small story, and I have to confess the same, especially considering Elder Holland’s description:
We hear many voices today filled with confidence that their message best describes how life should be lived. But in all that, how can you have your best life if you aren’t heeding the voice of the Bread and Water of Life? Can you honestly say that Christ is the center of your life? If so, how many and which of those elements proves that Christ is the center of your life? You shouldn’t need to look far for the answer. Center your faith on Him Elder Holland’s counsel to seek answers for questions of faith from those who actually have faith is both wonderfully simple and simply wonderful. We sometimes miss the simple approach because we think that the answer we’re missing can’t be in something simple, or else we would have seen it. Yet we’re all learning as we go. Elder Holland himself admits his recent insights about the simple story of the blind man on the road to Jericho. He then proclaims that, just as for the blind man who sought the Savior, finding Him doesn’t have to be complicated for us. We can find the Savior as we study the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. We can find the Savior as we share the gospel. We can find the Savior in supporting recent converts. We can find the Savior by serving in the temple. I love Elder Holland’s description of the temple experience centered on Christ.
What actions in your life prove you’ve centered your faith on Christ? If all you do is go through the motions of a rote autopilot existence, you’re missing the deeper joy found in seeing and focusing on the deeper meaning your faith can have. Center your service on HimAdopting a personal ministry can deepen your conviction to a life and faith centered on Christ, especially when you center that personal ministry on furthering the Lord’s work. I’ve long spoken of adopting a personal ministry and how partnering with the Lord to bring a unique contribution of goodness to the world can support LDS singles through the often challenging years of singleness. That support comes more readily and infuses more deeply when you center your service on Christ. That doesn’t necessarily mean adopting a cause like missionary work or family history service as your personal ministry, although it could. In reality, the best personal ministry you can adopt is the one that uses your unique talents and gifts to accomplish the work the Lord wants you to do. That’s why partnering with the Lord is so essential. Only then can you know what work He wants you to do, what your unique talents and gifts are, and how you should use them in accomplishing the work He has planned for you. If you’ve questions about any of that, consider Elder Holland’s remarks:
When you partner with the Lord, He will surely lead you along. And that will bring you more joy in your journey.
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Howdy! I'm Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio. I've been blogging about LDS singles life since 2012, and since 2018 I've been producing a weekly Internet radio show and podcast to help LDS singles have more joy in their journey and bring all Latter-day Saints together. Let's engage a conversation that will increase the faith of LDS singles and bring singles and marrieds together in a true unity of the faith.
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December 2022