![]() For over two centuries, Americans have celebrated freedom on Independence Day. And yet most Americans don’t call the holiday by its name. To them, it’s the Fourth of July. That wording may seem innocent enough, but is it? I sincerely hope many think about their freedom and the price paid to purchase it. But it seems like more and more people have their minds elsewhere. Far too many see the day as a time off from work when they grill their favorite meats and shoot fireworks in their neighborhoods late into the night. In short, they celebrate the freedom to party. There’s more to freedom than that. Many LDS singles live similar lives of dissonance. Mortality is intended to be a time of growth and progress along a more eternal journey. Yet many LDS singles aren’t growing or progressing towards eternal blessings. Like that hamster down at the pet store running endlessly inside its own wheel, many LDS singles are constantly doing, doing, doing, but not really getting anywhere. Does that describe your life right now? Then declare your own independence. It starts when you exercise the power God gave you — the power of agency. Decide enough is enough ![]() Here’s the first step: Decide enough is enough. Yes, it really is that simple. Often we want complicated because that strokes the ego. It’s OK we can’t figure it out if it’s complicated. But not figuring out simple makes us look like idiots. No one wants to look like an idiot. Once you accept it really is that simple and then own your life by accepting responsibility for whatever your life currently is, you can more easily embrace the path that leads to success. And that path begins for you when you decide enough is enough. Are you frustrated with constantly trying to do the right thing but never succeeding at having righteous blessings? Tired of always doing but never making any progress? Disgusted with being stuck in a life far beneath your dreams? Know this: You have the power to change. It all starts when you decide enough is enough. Commit yourself to greatness ![]() Once you’ve decided to change, the next step is to commit yourself to that change. This is where many people falter. Everyone wants a better life, and many have decided to pursue that better life. But most don’t have the commitment to do what is necessary to achieve that better life. Committing means accepting nothing but the one result outlined in your commitment, and that means cutting off all possible avenues of “escape” — every road except the one leading to success. That’s the key to commitment. You must cut from your life everything preventing you from fulfilling your commitment. That’s why most say they want change but don’t commit. They don’t remove from their environment the temptations that dissuade them from success. They don’t remove from their social circles the false friends that accept lives of mediocrity. And they don’t step out of their own way when they feel the enticement of the many fun but futile activities that don’t make anyone’s life any better. The result? They don’t follow through on their decision to change. They don’t get the prize. And that’s why many LDS singles stay single longer than they need to be. Afraid of their own greatness, they commit to the lesser life they have instead of doing whatever is necessary to have the life they could have. That’ll be really hard to hear if you haven’t yet owned your life. But all who have owned their life readily see the truth of it. Execute with passion ![]() Whatever you commit to do, you need to be all in. You need to give everything you have to following through on your decision and keeping your commitment. Whatever it takes, that’s what you do. What books do you need to read? What knowledge or skills do you need to acquire? What mentors do you need? What support systems will help you keep your commitment? Whatever it is, go after it. Within the bounds of righteousness, do what you need to do to get the knowledge and skills you need. Then with knowledge and skills in place, execute with passion. Give your all. Only when you give your all to the right things for you will you find true happiness in your life. You need not be imprisoned by fear, ignorance, or mediocrity. You can free yourself from a life lacking progress. You can declare your independence. When you decide enough is enough, commit yourself to greatness, and then execute with passion, you’ll see life unfolding for you in ways you never imagined. And that will bring you more joy in your journey.
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Howdy! I'm Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio. I've been blogging about LDS singles life since 2012, and since 2018 I've been producing a weekly Internet radio show and podcast to help LDS singles have more joy in their journey and bring all Latter-day Saints together. Let's engage a conversation that will increase the faith of LDS singles and bring singles and marrieds together in a true unity of the faith.
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December 2022