Here’s your Daily Dose for Tuesday, July 21, 2020. |
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. We all have a light of goodness within us, but we don’t have it to keep to ourselves. A hidden lantern brightens no one’s path. So bring your light out and let it shine. The world needs all the goodness it can get, so whatever its size, your offering will help. Hoist your light up for all to see. Then you’ll light the path for others and brighten your own path to your best life. |
Here’s your Daily Dose for Monday, July 20, 2020.
Keep on keeping on.
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. Does it seem like your world is crashing in around you? Then it’s time to walk by faith. Walking by faith doesn’t only mean stepping out into the dark. It means keeping on with what you need to be doing. So today, keep on keeping on with whatever you need to do today, walking in faith that God will sort everything out. Then you’ll find yourself sorted into the road to your best life. |
Here’s your Daily Dose for Sunday, July 19, 2020.
Get clear on your why.
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. As we each strive to live our best life, it’s important on occasion to stop and reflect on why. Why do you want your dream? It may seem silly to ask, but you’ll never push through the obstacles between you and your dreams unless you have a strong enough why. So what drives you? Get clear on you why today, and then you can more clearly see the road that leads to your best life. |
Here’s your Daily Dose for Saturday, July 18, 2020.
“Out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. [Can you believe it?] Yeah, I couldn’t resist playing that again because this is Daily Dose video #200! That's all the proof you need that “out of small things proceedeth that which is great” (D&C 64:33), so what seemingly small thing can you do today to move yourself closer to your dreams? Whatever that is, do that today and every day. Then one day you’ll enjoy living your best life. |
Additional Copyright Information For this Video:
Film: The Mummy © 1999 Universal Pictures. A selected portion is used for illustrative and commentary purposes in accordance with the “fair use” provision under Title 17 USC Section 107, which makes allowance for brief illustrative commentary of copyrighted works.
Film: The Mummy © 1999 Universal Pictures. A selected portion is used for illustrative and commentary purposes in accordance with the “fair use” provision under Title 17 USC Section 107, which makes allowance for brief illustrative commentary of copyrighted works.
Here’s your Daily Dose for Friday, July 17, 2020.
Don’t stop until you win.
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. A common obstacle preventing many from living their best life is the victim mentality, thinking that you can’t do or have something because of what others do or have. That thinking will take your power away from you and keep you from your dreams. Take your power back today by thinking with the victor mentality. Don’t stop until you win, and then you’ll live your best life. |
Here’s your Daily Dose for Thursday, July 16, 2020.
How bad do you want it?
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. What price are you willing to pay to live your dreams? Will you get up early every morning? Will you forego your usual pastimes to make progress on your goals? Will you outwork others who want what you want? Will you do whatever it takes? How bad do you want it? Pay the price you need to pay today and every day. Then one day you’ll rejoice in the returns as you live your best life. |
Here’s your Daily Dose for Wednesday, July 15, 2020.
“Forget yourself, and go to work.”
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. When a young Gordon B. Hinckley wrote home with desires to leave his missionary service early, describing all the hardships of his condition, his father sent back a very short reply. He simply said, “Forget yourself, and go to work.” Today, when your challenges weigh upon you and you just want to quit, forget yourself, and go to work. Then you’ll work your way to your best life. |
Here’s your Daily Dose for Tuesday, July 14, 2020.
Always keep coming.
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. I’ve always been inspired by Rocky Balboa and his no-surrender attitude. Even when everything in him was screaming at him to quit, he always kept coming. That’s what made him a winner and why he went the distance. So today, no matter what comes your way, always keep coming, and go the distance. Then you’ll go the distance between where you are now and your best life. |
Here’s your Daily Dose for Monday, June 13, 2020.
Make sure you have what you need.
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. It’s the start of another week of grind. Do you have what you need to succeed? [“Wait! We can’t lift off without it! Geordi, we gotta abort! No, wait! I found it. Let’s rock ‘n’ roll!”] As you prepare your rocket to leave the launch pad, make sure you have what you need for a successful launch. Then you can rock it on your way to your best life. |
Additional Copyright Information For this Video:
Film: Star Trek: First Contact © 1996 Paramount Pictures Inc. A selected portion is used for illustrative and commentary purposes in accordance with the “fair use” provision under Title 17 USC Section 107, which makes allowance for brief illustrative commentary of copyrighted works.
Film: Star Trek: First Contact © 1996 Paramount Pictures Inc. A selected portion is used for illustrative and commentary purposes in accordance with the “fair use” provision under Title 17 USC Section 107, which makes allowance for brief illustrative commentary of copyrighted works.
Here’s your Daily Dose for Sunday, July 12, 2020.
Seek out the sunshine.
| Howdy, peeps! I’m Lance, host of Joy in the Journey Radio, here with your Daily Dose. Some seem to see nothing but evil in the world. President Hinckley once said, “There is good all around us — if we will only look for it.” For much of life, we tend to find what we seek. So as you start your day today, ask yourself, “What do I seek?” Make sure you seek out the sunshine rather than the storms. Then you’ll find the brightness marking the path to your best life. |
Daily Dose
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